
Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I have been struggling with content of this blog for some time now, mostly about how open about my life I should be. My "Escape" is one thing, but there are other aspects of my life that I am unsure about how forthcoming I should be on the details.

This blog is open for the world to see, so I take precautions not to damage the reputation of a company, hurt my family's feelings, or set ablaze any bridges (just in case I should ever have to return to retail). Yet, I feel as if I am hiding too much, keeping this blog to superficial.

My blogs of sadness, shame, hurt have been the ones that I have received the best response from. Then I re-read them and think how silly I was to allow myself to show that much of myself. Of course, you all know I enjoy drinking, as several blogs have been "buzzed" blogs, but that doesn't break down the outer shell of me. It doesn't get to the heart of my feelings, doesn't allow me to be 100% open and free.

I think and additional goal of mine is going to be allowing more emotion into this blog. It has been four months of retail freedom, and I know that I am happier and better person NOW in April 2011, than I was in December 2010. It has been decided... I will allow more of myself to shine through on my blogs... I think it will be even more healing.

Plus, I will be forced to develop and grow.

So it is settled. More emotion (good or bad) and more ME.

Well, this should be interesting, don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. Yes! You and me both girl. I get nervous, really nervous, that people will find my blog and make the connection that it's me. And while there won't be anything too damaging revealed about other people, there will be some particularly damaging stuff about myself down the line. I don't know all of the reasons you started this blog, but I'm using mine as place to vent and emotionally unravel in a way I can't do in real life. I think blogging is a great tool, but you definitely walk a fine line between revealing too much of yourself and making it too empty. I think you're doing fine. Some posts are heavy, some are funny, some are emotional, and some are short and sweet. And that's just fine!
