
Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Perfect Job

I have thought a lot about what I feel would be the perfect job, and I mean the perfect, perfect, perfect job. 

To date I haven't succeeded in finding an answer to that question. There are days that I wake up and wish I could be a famous singer travelling the world and making tons of money, and other days that I wake up and wish I could sort M&M's by color all day long. In reality I know concept of "the perfect job" would mean something completely different to each person. I love my job, but statistically there is another person out there that would be better at my job than me, does that mean my job is MORE perfect for that person? (Ugh, now I'm starting to sound like "that" person. I think I will give these thoughts a rest for a while before the entire Internet turns it's back on me.)

I love being challenged and I love learning new things. I think that's what fascinates me about my new job, and the prospect of furthering my education. When I was working in retail I was what is known as a "fix it manager", my job was to go into a store that was crappy and make it a "well oiled machine". This was super awesome, for about a year, and when I got the store cleaned up... I lost my challenge. Often there wasn't another place for me to go right away, and boredom set in. Ten years of basically the same thing made me almost lose my mind. 

Fact. I did almost lose my mind. Not the "I'm going to stand on the street corner and wait for the aliens to abduct me" kind, more like the "It's 3am and I feel the need to bake a million cookies because I can't sleep which is really stupid because I just worked a 14 hour day" kind. Poor Husband. No, I take that back... he got a LOT of baked goods during that time period, I don't feel bad for him.

On a happier note, it is 8:30pm and I am already in my pajamas and in bed... I love not having to close a store. Maybe wearing Pajamas is my perfect job.


  1. Great post! Was in retail myself once, dont miss it !

  2. Haha. People try so hard to find the perfect forever job, but I think it just doesn't exist for the vast majority of people. I try for the perfect "right now job" and have a philosophy of I work until I don't like what I'm doing anymore and then I'll do something else. But baked goods are great moderation.

  3. I think it's VERY important to love what you are doing. I would rather be happy and poor vs. rich and miserable!
