I re-designed a lot of this blog tonight, and now at 8:40pm I realized that I really hadn't thought at all about posting. I tend to think a little about the blog throughout the day, and have a mini-brainstorm on my way home. This clears my thoughts and often I am reminded of a funny/sad/unique story that gives me a little spark of inspiration.
Sadly, I received a text from a former co-worker who is having a hard time, and it got me thinking about how many times I shed tears AT work. I remember one time when I got so overwhelmed with everything that I just locked myself in the bathroom and bawled. This was because I wasn't sure if I wasn't going to be able to go on my Honeymoon, and I had a mini breakdown. Okay, I had a HUGE breakdown... helllooooo it was my Honeymoon... I'm amazed I didn't burn the place down. (kidding! I'm not a psycho!)
It's shocking how much people complain at work, and when you are the manager you get bombarded with unreasonable complaints. When you working 6 days a week the last thing you need is someone complaining about having to close on the weekends. I want to know what makes people think they are so special they have the right to complain about anything and everything from the moment they clock in, to the moment they clock out. When I was a Sales Associate I kept my mouth shut. If I failed to request a day off I knew that it was my mistake and I had to deal with the consequences, I didn't run to the Store Manager and beg them to try and get the day switched. If I requested the day off and my Manager failed to give me that day off, I went to work.
A request is a request people! I say be thankful that you have a job, there are a lot of people out there that would be thrilled to be in the same position as you. I'm sure there will be another weekend that you can go get "trashed" with your friends, your requested day off isn't National Associate Day Off Day, I don't know why you are acting like the scheduling manager just broke the law by making you work 4 hours.
I should mention that if you are being sexually harnessed, please complain to your boss. If you are upset because you work 5-9 every Saturday and Associate #2 works 10-2... Shut up.
Wow, I think I lost my way again. See what happens when I don't brainstorm, I just go on crazy tangents and no one can stop me. And I thought about it... I've cried 4 times at work. Once I was accused of stealing (a story for another night, and NO I didn't steal anything), another time I was so overwhelmed with another manager I just started crying, the third time was when a DM walked the sales floor and we "failed" a walk and I thought this was the end of the world (it wasn't... but I sure felt like it was), and the fourth time was the Hooneymoon story.
I'm not much of a crier.
I cried twice at work when I sold fine jewelry at Macy's. Once when a woman yelled at me that I was a racist and was ignoring her because, as she put it, I "didn't think it was worth my time to help a black woman." (the reality is that it was holiday season and all the associates were extremely overwhelmed by much pushier customers and I didn't see her on the other end of the department, but the accusation was so upsetting, even if completely untrue, I had to step outside). To her credit, she came back and apologized later.
ReplyDeleteThe other time a customer told me I was the worst person who had ever done my job, I would never amount to anything, and that I might as well end it all now and save people from my horrible service skills. Yes, she told me to kill myself because I sucked so much at my job. Because, as a jewelry associate I couldn't tell her if another store had a certain blouse in her size and I redirected her to an associate who could actually help her. We are both lucky she left immediately after, because as soon as I dried my tears I got pissed and tried to find her and give her a piece of my mind.
People don't realize how cruel they are to the people who provide them service or work in the same environment with them. Sometimes it oversteps the boundary of just being rude. It's hard to remain completely unemotional, even when you believe tears don't belong in the workplace. Sometimes things just push you over the edge.
Love the new layout!
Oh Katy, preach it sista! I can't believe some of the horrendous things I have been called over the years.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Good for you, I wish you would have found that lady and gave her a piece of your mind. I chased a lady out of the store once with the same intentions, it was probably a good thing I didn't catch up with her...