
Friday, March 4, 2011

Mental Health Days

I used to believe that people who needed "Mental Health Days" (or joked about needing them) were weak individuals. In my mind those were the type of folks who got nowhere in life. They were the kind you saw stuck behind a register for 15 years because their "weak minds" couldn't handle working 22 hours straight.  I never wanted to be that type of person. Oh no, I was "dedicated", "determined", "focused", etc.

I was also full of crap.

Humans need breaks, vacations, and a day where they can say "I want to stay in my pajamas all day and not be judged for doing it!" I don't think that every day should be a Mental Health Day, but my thoughts towards having one every-now-and-then have changed. Sometimes you just need a day off from life. 

It is odd to see my 180 since I decided that I needed a "career change". After about a 25 minute conversation to myself OUTLOUD while driving home from work (after the third week in a row of working everyday and doing split shits) I pulled over, got out of my car, and walked around it once going over the "master plan" in my head of how I was going to get out of retail. To say I was a mess was the ultimate understatement. I really needed a Mental Health Day right about that time, hell, I needed a Mental Health WEEK. I got home in one piece, but I was forever altered.

That was the night I began my search of freedom, I stayed up until 3am searching other options. I also decided that "health before wealth" was my new life motto, and I was going back to school. 

I have been evolving since that night. I love the person, wife, daughter, and friend that I am becoming. I no longer define myself as a Retail Store Manager alone. I have other dimensions that are becoming more clear as I have the time and energy to explore them.

P.S. - Mental Health Day people, you are awesome!! I applaud your dedication to staying happy in your life, and not losing your mind in a Saturn SL1 at the ripe old age of 27.


  1. I love your humor and honestly! I love all day jammie days, and yes, everyone needs one every once in awhile. - Sherry

  2. ...okay it's wwayyy to early for me (thank you dogs).. *honesty

  3. Good morning Sherry!

    Thank you for your comments, and lets start a National Pajama Day! :)

  4. Haha, I'm having a pajama day right now!
