Dear person talking to your “OMFG BFF 4 EVA” on your cell phone,
I am pretty sure that the cashier that had to listen to your description of what happened between you and that guy last night while you were stupid drunk was not high on their “bucket list” (I asure you, it wasn’t on mine). I am also pretty sure that if you would have simply put the phone down for 3 minutes your entire transaction would have been seamless, and you could have bought your lip-gloss and macaroni and cheese without having to say “huh?” sixteen times because you couldn’t distinguish between the cashier’s voice and the voice on the other end of your iPhone.
I am sorry that contact with a human is too difficult for you, and you thrive only through your phone and social media sites. Try to understand that it IS polite to put the phone down when you are going through the checkout, no matter how difficult it is. There will be questions (such as, “how would you like to pay for this today?”) that you will need to answer (don’t worry, you will not be graded) and your timely response will affect many others.
I understand you love for your cell phone, but PDA is unhealthy in any relationship… so stop sucking face with your blackberry 24-7 and look up and notice the world around you.
Retail people of the world will thank you.
Mrs. Retail Manager.
Oh my GOD! I hate when people do this. I was at the bank yesterday and this woman wouldn't stop yapping on her cell phone while the teller was trying to help her. She never even looked at him and he tried to hand her a receipt and she just walked off, no thank you or no thank you. Use an ATM if you're going to treat humans like machines. I apologized to the teller on her behalf. UGH!