
Monday, March 21, 2011


I envy those people who can survive without routine. Personally, I am a failure without a schedule.
My blackberry is so crammed full of my to-do lists and appointments that I am amazed that it has enough free memory to know how to answer phone calls.

The greatest thing about having a set schedule is it offers the opportunity to have a routine, and I am learning I am a much more productive human when routine is available.

FYI - A side effect of less stress and more sitting has resulted in my behind getting much bigger! So now I am devoting one hour of my day to a mild to moderate workout/exercise. I tried to “get in shape” when I was working in retail… that was a nightmare. I had absolutely no time, and I would exercise instead of sleep which (as any college student can tell you) meant I got sick all the time. I swear I was a member of the walking dead most of the time. People would constantly tell me, “oh just get past the two week mark, it always gets better after the two week mark."

Um, yeah, no.

Maybe it got better for YOU after the “magic” two week mark, but for me it was just as painful as day one. It never got better; I tortured myself for a month, got sick, lost a week of exercise, and then tried again.

What a nightmare. Finally I just gave up. I figured I worked on my feet 8-12 hours a day why did I need the stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid-stupid gym.

I am amazed at how refreshing it is coming home and taking the pup out for a jog, and because it is at the same time every night, my body expects that it is coming and I don’t feel dead tired. Hooray!
I guess it is true that you never stop learning about yourself. Throughout my great escape from retail I have been growing and developing as a person. I know now that I am truly dependent on my schedule if I wish to be a productive adult.

My schedule makes my world go round.

I suppose there are a LOT things that are worse to be dependent on, ya know, like crack.

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