
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Round Cookies

My ex-retail brain needs a rest for the day, so today's post is going to be personal. I have decided to post something about me, me, and me. So here is it... I have a "thing" for round cookies; they are little circles of pure delight. (I wonder what Freud would say about that.)

I should clarify that statement and tell you that I do not get all excited when I open a pack of Oreos and see that every cookie inside is round. I like the "organically grown" round cookies, the ones that started off as a blob of cookie dough on a cookie sheet and baked into beautiful little circles. This makes me think about how much I love everything to be perfect, and to achieve perfection I must have control. OVER EVERYTHING.

Poor Husband. (Yes, I really feel bad for him this time.)

Interestingly, during these last few months away from the retail job I have a gained some relief from my crazy urge to rule as Queen Supreme over everything. I know that my obsessive need to control and manage the perfection in my life is still there (as shown in my pure joy over round cookies), but I have less urges to run our marriage (and life) like a business. Yup, that's right, I now run our marriage like a marriage. Like all those stupid books tell you to do.... (guess I should have read them.)

A perfect example of this is taking out the trash. I hate taking out the trash!! I don't know why this chore makes me want to scream, but ever since I can remember I have hated doing it. I love to vacuum, I don't mind washing the dishes, and I enjoy organizing/paying the bills. I hate taking out the trash. Two months ago I would have looked at Husband and said, "you need to make sure you take out the trash before 9 o'clock." Pure business. Now, (lucky Husband) I found that I ask him to take out the trash, and I even use the word please. Wow. Go me!

I am no longer the Manager of Trash! This is the one time in my life I have ever been happy to be demoted. I am so thankful for these small changes in my life. As I write this, something a friend of mine wrote in her blog sticks with me every day... I never knew how miserable I was until I was free.

GOODBYE CORPORATE LIFESTYLE! Hellloooooooooo Round Cookies.

And I totally blogged about retail... damn. We will have to try again for a purely personal blog another night.

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