
Monday, May 30, 2011


I need to learn how to sew a bowtie, and Google search is NOT helping.

Research today for the business was fun, but oh so long!

My business partner is going to be in Hawaii for three long weeks, I am going to miss his face and also have to work through a lot of designing myself.  In the end I know it's going to be worth it!  Also, I need to find a place where I can get tshirts screen printed for really cheap!

Ah research, how fun!  Tomorrow is more of the same!!

Since this IS my blog about retail escape, I think I am going to blog a lot of my research and new things that I learn from starting my own company.  I think it'll be fun AND healthy!

More to come lovely internet, beware!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Need.

I feel the need to write something of substance, but I can't seem to find the right words.

I will spare you the gore filled details, but I was very sick last night.  Sick to the point of having to set my alarm clock for 2 hour intervals just so I could wake up and make sure I wasn't dead.

I took a nap today and had to be jolted awake by Husband. I can't remember the last time someone has to physically shake me to wake me up. It's been ages, but now you get a good feel of exactly how exhausted I was.

So I sit here, lappy in front of me trying to think of beautiful words. Unfortunately, beautiful words escape me at the moment and all I can think about is how I'm hungry. Then I think about how I am getting chunky and food is the devil!  Were those beautiful words?  I guess not.

Well, to be perfectly honest, I'm still not feeling the greatest.  My emotional state is a little uneven, so I think I'm going to call it a night on the blog.  Hopefully soon things will start returning to normal and I can get back to being a normal human again. Let's hope shall we?

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Website Hunting!

It's difficult to start a business!!!

Anyone have any ideas, thoughts, help??

Friday, May 27, 2011

chop chop!!

I tried to slice my finger off today.  Not on purpose, but it was an excellent attempt.

So, with that, end of my blog for today.

If the finger is feeling better tomorrow I will post more.



I spent the last several hours doing research for the business that I am trying to get off the ground.

I know, I know, projects coming out of my behind, right?

Here are the current Kim Needs:
  1. I need to finish THREE quilts
    1. Baby quilt for Pumpkin Butt
    2. My personal quilt
    3. Quilt that I'm making for a AWESOME friend
  2. I need to get to Michael's to get materials for my "start up" business
    1. I need clips
    2. Flowers
    3. Fasteners
  3. I need to get to JoAnne's for some fabric for my quits 
    1. Puppy prints anyone?? 
    2. MORE puppy prints?
  4. I have a CRAP TON of research that needs to be done to start a business
    1. Fictitious business name.
    2. Online Webpage.
    3. Marketing Strategy.
    4. Etc! (This list could go on for MILES)
  5. I need to figure out CASH flow for starting a business 
    1. Along with how to expense out business stuff on taxes
  6. Where the HECK am I going to put a Silk Screen MAH-CHEEN?
  7. I'm supposed to be writing a book, right? I mean... somewhere in all of this I need to write a book. Or two. Or three?
  8. Brother turns 18 on the first, and graduates on the 10th. SO MUCH STUFF TO DO.
I think that's it right now. I don't know, my head is spinning. I need to get this going. I need to get a LOT of things going. I need to stop needing sleep. I need to be a machine!

But, alas! I need sleep. I'm weak like that.

Perhaps I should utilize my coaster time better and start doing more of my projects on the way to work. Think that could work? Who knows, I like having "Kim Time" during the day... which is probably why I am SO very far behind on projects!  :)

I NEED SOME FREAKING MOTIVATION! Along with a bed that isn't so darn comfortable!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm Terrible!!

I'm WAY behind.

I'm a BAD blogger.

I am FREE now, no more entrapment, because of this I tend to overexert myself, and now I'm forgetting to blog!

I think I am going to need to put a reminder into my phone so I can remember better, what do you all think?

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I stayed up until 4am last night, and slept until noon.

Who AM I!?  I am a 10pm bedtime person.  4am is just crazy!

Don't worry everyone, I got a severe lashing from my Mother in Law who told me that I would get wrinkles from staying up that late.  She also told me not to chop down the tree in my front yard because it would protect Alex and I if someone decided to drive drunk into our house.

I will take those suggestions under advisement, but I have a feeling I will probably go against her wishes with the tree... and get lots and lots of wrinkles from staying up past my bedtime.

Whatcha gunna do?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sushi and Wine

Perhaps one of the greatest two inventions?

I don't know what it is about white people and Sushi, but we love it.  Don't ask me why, because I really have no idea.

Tonight I was treated to THREE glasses of wine... yes, you heard me... THREE.

So, once again, here I am buzzed-blogging, I think that's the best kind of blogging.  I'm more relaxed and free.

Enjoy internet world!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Contemplating motivation.

I'm still on a motivation kick.

I have some wonderful friends of mine who are the most motivated people in the world.  They are like some magical creature that can get more done in 24 hours than I can get done in a week.  Those people amaze me.  They own their own business, make time for their family and pets, and still seem to always be put together every day.

There are days I can't even be bothered to brush my hair, let alone get out of sweat pants.

Why is is that some people are just amazing?  Then others, like me, can't seem to get past the first lap!  Oh well, if I am to suffer days and days of laziness I suppose there are worst things in life, right?

I wonder how really happy those over-motivated people are.  I mean, are they really happy, or do they just think they are happy because they are unable to stop for two seconds and really evaluate their life.

Well, that's all I have.  Enjoy!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Book

So I am slowly chipping away at my book.  I really need someone to light a fire under my ass so I can finish it up, get it published, and make some real money.

Oh money, why do you have to be so evil?

I have so many ideas, it's just making them come to life that I find difficult.  I can start the idea, but finishing it up never happens.  Is there a magical pill that makes you motivated?  It that cocaine? haha.

Maybe I will forever be the "idea girl", the person that has all the right ideas, but not the motivation to make them happen.  I am perfectly happy with myself, and my life... but man, think of all I could accomplish with some proper direction!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Big Bum

Time to get back to the gym!!! I'm packing on a few pounds, and the ONLY thing that retail is good for is keeping the weight down. Soooo, now it's time to get back to my running routine, because my bootay is getting big!

Wish me luck!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Preparing for the Coaster

I am a busy bee tonight!

Since I take the coaster, I find that I get bored of the music and movies that I have on my phone quickly. Tonight I have spent several HOURS transferring music to my new phone, just to ease the boredom of my commute.

I have had the quietest weekend EVER, and I still feel exhausted.

I think I will go to bed early, and that way after work I will have a good bit of energy to do more than just play on the internet tomorrow night.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Website Error or User Error?

Well, Blogger totally messed me up.

Technology failed me, and I was unable to post for several days due to a "server error" with blogger. What a pain in the ass. (yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses)

THEN, I failed myself because the habit has been broken. So... I learned something. I can't do something every day for 365 days.

I do plan on persevering! And, as a way to make up for the posts that I missed, I am going to blog 4 days past what would hit my 365 day end. That way, it all comes out in the wash.

So, internet world, ENJOY!

Oh, and part of making this blog was to document my escape (and recovery) from retail. I think I am doing just that. My social life has once again blossomed. It is a good thing, and a bad thing! haha!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Oh life just keeps throwing punches. Hubby spent the last few hours at the Hospital with the MIL because she hurt her hand.

Thankfully, everyone just fine.

Exhausted, but healthy.

Monday, May 9, 2011


I need some encouragement to make myself continue to blog everyday... I'm in a slump. Why? I think because I am overly tired. May has been an exhausting month. I'm yawing as we speak.

I think I need one day of good sleep. Yes, I said DAY of good sleep.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Destruction of Me

I worked my behind off this weekend. Now I am sore, tired, and dazed.

Time for an early bedtime and a relaxing week.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


I spent the entire day dressing up doggies to get their picture taken. I am tired, sleepy, and slightly broken... and yet, it was SO worth it.

I can't really explain my love for dogs, it often boarders on insanity.

I love my doggies very much, and I know that part of my obsession with them is due to the fact and Husband and I do not have any kids. My dogs are my "fur children" and I love them both so much.

Sorry all you cat lovers out there, dogs really are the superior pet. Yeah, I'm a little biased, but it's true. I think science has proven it.

Friday, May 6, 2011


I am going to go help a friend take pictures of puppies. I am in heaven!! I love my doggies SO VERY MUCH! I am almost so excited I can't sleep.

I do need to get up at 4am, so I think I will contain my excitement a bit... and get some shut-eye.


Do not take a nap unless you are willing to accept the fact that you might sleep past midnight and miss you time to blog. LOL!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I got caught up...

... in my sewing! 
I lost track of time. :( 

I went past Midnight. You must forgive me!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I do not have a TV in my room. I think we should remedy this problem, because I am feeling the need for some television. I can watch TV from my laptop, but it is NOT the same as having full control over a television set.

That is all. For now.

Monday, May 2, 2011


I have a new and strange obsession with quilts.

I have almost completed my VERY first one... I'm super stoked.

This might be my creative outlet. I am too logical, like some freaky pale skinned Vulcan, so having something I can do to be creative is wonderful.

I MIIIIIGHT be open enough to put a picture of my quilt up on this blog. Mayyybe. Truthfully I am a little self-conscience about it. I mean, it's like my virgin quilt, I don't know how appropriate it is for me to be flashing it all over the place. haha!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dining Room Table

I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned... and my reward???

A dining room table! Now we have some place to eat besides the livingroom.

I am a happy happy girl.