
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Good Intentions.

I had great hopes and dreams of writing an exciting blog of exciting things today! Sadly, our Canadian goes to the airport tonight, and I fear that I will not have enough time when I get back home to write anything of substance.

Today I was thinking about the various types of customers. I would love to make an all-inclusive list of all the shoppers in this world, there are so many! For example, the "Needy Customer" a.k.a. "The Customer Who Asks One Million Questions About Nothing", or asks to see a shoe in a size 6 and it is right in front of them.

I think Mrs. Needy was my least favorite customer. I would take "Angry at Nothing Customer" over Mrs Needy. Why? You can always escape Angry Customer, often they just want to complain about prices and then move on. Needy Customer sucks hours from your day on stupid things.
"Can you throw this drink away for me?"
"Can you grab this in a size 6? Size 7? Size 8"
"Does this come in black? Blue? White? Green? Orange?"
"What do you have that is similar to this?"
"What shoes do you have that come in a size 7? Can you get me every size 7 in the store so I can try it on?"
"I don't really like blue shoes, but if you have it in a size 7 I might as well try it on, can you grab it for me?" 
etc. etc. etc. etc. for HOURS.

And so, my list has begun... and shall grow. I welcome your comments on this!


  1. Here's what I called some of the shopper types:

    "Personal Shopper" Wants you to follow them around, hold the stuff they pick out, create outfits for them, and compliment endlessly.

    "Lonely Elderly Man/Woman" Doesn't actually want to buy anything and will talk to you FOREVER if you let them. This type of shopper is especially bad because I feel guilty for trying to ditch them.

    The "I'm Just Looking" will immediately avoid eye contact when you say hello and gets skittish if you try to help them/speak. Likely to get irritated when they actually do need help and you are "ignoring" them.

    "Make a Decision for Me Because I'm Indecisive" sucks, especially when they ask what you like, and immediately pick the other option(s) instead.

    "Important Man with Lots of Money" doesn't even looks like he wants what he's buying, answers in 1-word replies, and won't make eye contact. I love this customer because they are fast, with no nonsense, just don't waste his time lest he become "Pissed Important Man with Lots of Hemorrhoids"

  2. LOL... when I get the time I am adding an additional page to this blog with all the "definitions" of customers... I shall be including these, they are fantastic!
