
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How I Became Addicted to Diet Coke.

Caffeine might just be my best friend, if I wouldn't have meet my Husband when I did (and if California allowed it) I would have married a extra large Diet Coke from McDonalds.

Don't ask me what it is about us Diet Coke Heads, but we seem to dominate the retail world.  Every single Store Manager I ever worked under was addicted to Diet Coke, along with the co-managers, assistant manager, so on and so on. It got so bad at one point that our vending machine had two spots for Diet Coke! Yikes!

The exposure began in High School, for some reason when I wore size 3 jeans I felt that I needed to drink as much diet soda as possible. My new ever-expanding waistline might need the diet soda, but back then it was foolish to make that my drink of choice. Next thing I knew I was drinking Diet Coke and staying up till 4am. 

Ah, the life of a teenager!

By the time I was working full-time and going to college full-time I was a full fledge Diet Coke addict, I needed it to survive. Since everyone else I knew was an addict, so I felt right at home. 

To this day I am still a Diet Coke head... and Husband hates it. I think mostly because he hates Diet Coke flavored kisses, but he tolerates my addiction because he loves coffee (and Red Bull) and might even have a little bit of a problem himself. 

The first step is admitting it, right?

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