
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Relief and Dedication

Today I feel better. Back to the good ol' self. Well... almost.

I feel comfortable saying, I am happy again. I am content. Yes I am still stressed... but I have a wonderful husband who always makes me feel better. I'm pretty sure that is why I married him. Oh, and he makes amazing crepes.

I also had a couple shots of vodka. Shhhhhhhh, don't tell.

I have been thinking about writing a book for about 3 years now, yesterday's meltdown got me thinking about it again. I started this blog as a way to vent, but also as a way to prove to myself that I am capable of putting my thoughts down and keeping them organised and focused for longer than a week. (so far so good!) I think an expansion of this blog into book form would be awesome, but finding the time to write is the hard part! Keeping up with this blog isn't hard... as some of you may notice there are a few blogs that have very little worth. Unfortunately, you can't have a bunch of chapters in a book about how you went to eat Sushi with a Canadian!

Okay so here it is, my dedication to writing a book! Don't be stealing my golden ideas now... haha.

Title and Pitch:
Can I Speak to Your Manager?
"My Great Escape From Retail"

I  promise myself to keep Evernote open on my computer and phone and write down ideas as they appear in my brain. I am notorious for having amazing brainstorms in the shower, and then forgetting everything 30 mins later because I was still waking up. This cycle of washing great ideas down the drain stops tonight! I also promise to have pen and paper handy, just in case.

I shall write the first draft of my book in Microsoft Word and I will write organically; nothing gets deleted. If it sucks, it sucks. I refuse to give up on any idea for my first draft. If the concept is 100% bogus, it will go bye-bye in draft two or three. Anything and everything goes for draft one.

I pledge to not push myself, but I also pledge not to give up. I'm going to create rules for me to follow, and I am dedicating myself to following them. Weekends are "freedom days from work" and I am making a promise to myself that I will not sit down to write the book on the weekends. My writing days will be Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Even if my writing is crap, at least I am putting words onto paper.

Chapter Evolution:
Just because a chapter is not complete, doesn't mean I can't move on to another chapter. I don't care if the entire book gets written except for chapter two.... I'm not going to box myself in and piss myself off by getting stuck on a chapter without the ability to just move on.

Table of Contents/Outline:
I vow to have a rough draft of the book by April 15th, no later.

I don't plan on finishing this book for two years. I don't want to put a "goal" on the time it takes to write a book. From what I am reading two years is about average. I vow not to say "hooray, my book is done!" until after March 2013. If I am still not finished by that date, I vow not to be discouraged.

Alright, it is official. Book writing days are approaching!

But first, sleep.

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